Vehicle types
GRT vehicle: automated minibus
2getthere’s GRT vehicles are automated minibuses accommodating up to 22 passengers (8 seated, 14 standing). The vehicles allow for easy access through accurate docking at the stations, enabled by the ‘crabbing’ capability of the front and rear wheel steering.
PRT vehicle: automated taxi
2getthere’s PRT vehicle accommodates a 6-person family (4 adults, 2 children) with additional space for either a wheelchair or luggage. It combines the desirable aspects of the car (private travel at any time) with the social advantages of public transport (no congestion and parking issues).

Cost efficient bi-directional capability
The navigation is based on virtual routes. Vehicles follow the received set points for the routes, based on a robust and complex algorithm which controls multiple physical points of the vehicle. They keep track of their position by measuring distance (wheel revolutions) and the direction of travel (steering angle and gyro). The desired routes are followed within centimeters accuracy, even at high speeds (60km/h). The navigation control software is modular and generic in architecture, supporting any vehicle type and wheel configuration.
Perception systems: sense and understanding
2getthere is actively developing enhanced perception systems for better sense and understanding. This includes sensor fusion, using 3D camera systems, LiDAR, radar and ultrasound sensors as well as classification. The aims are to improve redundancy and safety, ensure operations under all adverse weather conditions and ultimately 360-degree awareness. The latter is especially for operations in mixed traffic with other road users, allowing to anticipate the unexpected through recognition and understanding of their intentions.