Please join the webinar organized by the Advanced Transit Association Industry Group (ATRA IG) on June 17 at 1500 GMT (1000a EDT).

The Webinar is entitled ‘Where is autonomous transit going next?’ and will address where advanced transit systems such as personal rapid transit (PRT) and group rapid transit (GRT) are going. It will cover potential transport demand for ATNs as well as expected technology and strategy developments. The featured speakers represent the University of Bologna and LogistikCentrum.

The webinar will last approximately 40 minutes after which there will be opportunity to ask questions to the speakers and members of the ATRA Industry Group. There is no need to register; you can access the webinar via the link below. As the room accommodates 100 attendees only, please be sure to join on time! You can participate under your name or an alias if you desire to remain anonymous.

This webinar is the third in a series of three webinars. The first two webinars can be viewed on