Robbert Lohmann, Chief Operations Officer, 2getthere
nitiatives such as these allow Dutch companies to present themselves well abroad.
This October the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office (NTIO) roadshow is visiting 7 cities and counties in Taiwan, showcasing Dutch innovations. As part of the roadshow, 2getthere’s local agent Land Network, presents on automated transit systems, providing sustainable mobility for more liveable cities.
During the stops in Kaohsiung and Taichung the roadshow is joined by 2getthere’s hometown, the city of Utrecht and the Economic Board Utrecht. Main vehicle for the roadshow is an environmental-friendly Orange DAF Truck and a built-in showroom to house the “Our City” exhibition. The exhibition inside the 40-foot container is a walk through a (smart) city, providing details on how we can make our city better: safer, greener and more convenient.
Organizers and Participants
The Taiwan-Netherlands City Innovation Forum & Roadshow introduced solutions for: smart city, urban planning, circular economy, healthcare & well-being, high-tech, intelligent mobility, green energy, agriculture & food, urban design, and water & soil.
Thanks to the organizers and participants: NTIO Taiwan, OKRA, Nelen en Schuurmans, LomboxNet, ELaandNL, Active Cues, Innovation Mile, professor Helianthe Kort of the University of applied science in Utrecht, Meccano, Holst Ventre, Philips, Invest Utrecht, Holst Centre, Jaap Breugem, Economic Board Utrecht.