Our automated systems

AUTONOMOUS SHUTTLES:Mixed traffic on existing roads for financially viable transit for modest volumes.
Autonomous shuttles operate in mixed traffic, using existing infrastructures. The vehicles are as fast as the slowest other road user, restricting the hourly capacity that can be provided. As there are no specific civil works, the low capital cost ensures a financially viable transit is still possible.

AUTOMATED TRANSIT NETWORKS:Direct origin to destination travel on a network of dedicated guideways.
ATN systems operate on a network of dedicated guideways to allow direct origin to destination travel. The direct connections optimize the passenger service level as well as the fleet capacity, ensuring a strong operational business case.

AUTOMATED PEOPLE MOVERS:Segregated infrastructure with grade separated crossings for high capacities.
APM systems feature autonomous vehicles on a segregated, typically elevated guideway allowing for a high capacity through grade separated intersections. The additonal capital costs for the infrastructure are offset by the higher service level and the resulting ridership.